RIRS is most advanced and ultraminimally invasive procedure for kidney stones..it involves no hole and cut in body ..no blood loss ,no damage to kidney..here we are having 100 watt holmium laser and thuliam fibre laser ..
HoLEP was developed to improve the effectiveness, safety and durability of surgery for BPH. The main advantages of HoLEP over Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) which has been in use for the past 80 years include: More of the obstructing prostate tissue is removed, leading to better relief of prostate obstruction, symptoms and urinary flow rate Less blood loss Shorter hospital stay. 90% of men stay just 1 night in hospital after HoLEP, whereas the average hospital stay after TURP in the UK is 3 days More durable. The need for redo prostate surgery is 15% for TURP compared to 0.7% for HoLEP within the first 10 years of surgery. The benefits of HoLEP can be expected to last a lifetime. Unlike TURP, HoLEP is suitable for men with any size prostate
A mini-PERC is similar in approach, but represents a refinement in the technique due to having smaller cameras, better stone lasers and specialized tools. The incision that is made in the skin is much smaller and allows for quicker patient recovery and results in a safer procedure
Retrocaval ureter also referred to as pre-ureteral vena cava is a rare congenital anomaly with the ureter passing posterior to the inferior vena cava. Though it is a congenital anomaly, patients do not normally present with symptoms until the 3rd and 4th decades of life from a resulting hydronephrosis.
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is a safe and effective technique for the surgical removal of adrenal masses. This minimally invasive approach provides clear advantages over open resection. With careful patient selection and careful surgical technique, successful outcomes should be expected.